Somebody ripped my heart out & leave me here to bleed alive.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Title: ( )

Today got english test. Nearly fall asleep during paper 1. Took 1hour for letter writing. Paper 2 better. Quite easy i think :/ finish in 1 hour. Got another 40 min actually wanted to sleep de.But then bladder full wan go toilet the cher dont let. Force to hold for 30 min -.- Den mr lee come in den i can go. In the end never sleep till. Dammit

The time is, 10:57 PM
Monday, April 26, 2010
Title: ( )

I'm glad your gona move on! And im glad you say you won't let him affect your studies. If he isn't serious about you den don't care about him he isn't worth it. I know its easy to say but hard to do. But don't be sad. Cheer up! Don't emo over that jerk.To my Lovely AhZeh Queenie tan jia yi :D

The time is, 11:42 PM
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Title: ( )

Happy belated birthday joonprostitute! I tot it was today dammit!
Had oral today. Dunnoe what to say. :D

The time is, 9:58 PM
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Title: ( )

I haven't update for awhile :/ been lazy. Everyday do hw like a good boy! Today had 2 hour of a maths ._. was damm fun as usual mr lee was crapping as usual. Douglas got targeted as usaul. U better speak it out loud and clear with confidence! Or i go tell wan yi! I now stand outside ready go up call her come down. I seriously roflmao. Den after sch suppose stay back do mr kuangs physic drawing den forget? Went home with clifton. Go home play ga2 with jackie and we own in tdm ._.
Whats wrong with you? Why are u taking it out on me? I know your stressed but why me? I help u take your things anwar snatch and spray at me. U scold me. Wtfh is wrong.

The time is, 10:44 PM
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Title: ( )

Today rocks ttm. Mrs pan on course mr kuang mia. Den no english no physics! Whooo! Played psp during both lesson! Was dunking like a pro. Den maths lesson was epic as usual. Free ribena for bring 30 cm ruler LOL. Den chian wooi and shawn no bring. Mr lee said never bring u give me 1.50? Den suddenly he went nvm scissor paper stone. If u win dunnid pay den shawn won? And den chian wooi turn he lost. And gave 1.50 LOLOLOL. Den after sch geog. Boring like hell, stupid map reading. Den went home and slack. Till now.
Hidayah got internal suspension <<< Zai sia! First girl in our class to tio internal!

The time is, 9:11 PM
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Title: ( )

Yesterday suck. COPY ENGLISH ALSO KANA SCOLDED TILL LIKE NO MOM LIKE THAT. Eh please la be realistic can. U teacher so...? U dare say u never copy hw before? Copying homework is such a normal thing? Somemore when ur desperate obviously u copy la. Tsk. I can say sorry to sarah but not you. You epic phail of a teacher.
Anyway sarah i'm sorry for copying without asking. U can blame me i won't mind but don't blame jia ten. Jia ten had no idea i took your english? So its like all my fault. And Mr koh its not call "act hero". Its call owning up to what i've done.

The time is, 6:14 PM
Monday, April 12, 2010
Title: ( )

Today was monday! Monday blues ~.~ Had history tests. Think it was no cake. Easy till cannot easy! Like pratically open book? Today the class piss mrs pan off? Mainly me. Den got some issues about copying hw. Nid meet mr koh tomorrow at 2? Wad a dick! Copy only sia! <<< Copy is like so normal -.- After school have geog. Learn bout map reading which is a super boring and spastic chapter. Wasn't in a good mood o.o


The time is, 6:36 PM
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Title: ( )

Today had a maths test. It sucked. Its one of those get one part wrong whole thing wrong type of question. Passed my chem 19/30 rather unsatisfied with it. B3 only! Had photo shot today. Slack 2 hours at student hub watch cj7 and play chess with elicious and clifton. And now chatting with ying ying.
Ying Ying my birthdays may 8! Not april 8 dammit.

The time is, 12:03 AM
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Title: ( )

Today had physics test. I tot it was rather okay. Not like the jan and feb one so hardcore. So i think i can at least pass todays physics? Had geog after sch and kai shen was being a dick as usual. Geog lesson he keep attitude people. As i was emoing over chem i got really piss off and gled him back? After school stay back play ball games with min nooooooob and anwar and ivan and kieve or however u spell his name. Den went home. The bus 187 was frigging squeezy? Den some Old CHINESE dick pushed me and scold me cb for no reason? I was like wth...? Den he still continue cursing me. Like no mother sia him. Stupid white man

The time is, 9:49 PM
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Title: ( )

Mid year exam in 3 weeks. And i'm not panicking yet? Which isn't a good thing cause i should panick since i know absolutely nothing bout physics. And theres like 7 chapters? So many formulas and i dunnoe a single one. I amaze myself sometime -.- Im currently doing my a maths slacked too much just now :/ Going for a short nap wake up at 3 to continue doing ciaos :D


The time is, 12:05 AM
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Title: ( )

Noooo man u lose. 1-2 but its not because man u nub. Its because chelsea bribe refree! Kanina offside no foul! Got penalty also no foul! Confirm bribe la. Chian wooi u die la u this dog. Retarded chelsea supporter

The time is, 9:49 PM

Im yours,

Zhexian. 15. May 8 w/e

Grant me ,

Lovesick electric

Hear Me Out

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Histories ,

Click , to see my past(s) . :D

January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
December 2010
January 2011
March 2011

Gone for good ,

Jocelyn mummy (:
Chian wooi
Joon Kiat
Xin yi
Ariany i love you~